Audiobook Clips

A collection of shareable educational clips from the Grocery Story audiobook narrated by author Jon Steinman.


Preface (Clip)

Note From The Author - Big Food (Clip)

Introduction (Clip)

Chapter 1 - Rise of the Grocery Giants, Consolidation in the 1920s/30s (Clip)

Chapter 1 - Rise of the Grocery Giants, Expanding the War on Chain Grocers (Clip)

Chapter 2 - Retailer Market Power, Restricting the Chains in the 1930s(Clip)

Chapter 2 - Retailer Market Power, The Accelerating of Supermarket Dominance (Clip)

Chapter 3 - Food Prices and the People Who Grow Our Food, Farmers' Share of the Food Dollar (Clip)

Chapter 3 - Food Prices and the People Who Grow Our Food, Farm-to-Retail Price Spreads (Clip)

Chapter 3 - Food Prices and the People Who Grow Our Food, Farmers Suicides (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Cosmetic Requirements(Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Standards and Food Waste (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Slotting Fees 1 (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Is it Bribery? (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Wright Patman on the Giants (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, A Response to Crisis (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, Opening up Public Spaces (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, Mission-Driven and Transparent (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, The Rochdale Pioneers (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, Early Co-ops in America (Clip)Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, Early Co-ops in America (Clip)

Chapter 6 - The Food Co-op Waves, The 1970s Food Co-ops (Clip)

Chapter 6 - The Food Co-op Waves, The Newest Wave (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Size and Revenues (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Are Food Co-ops Community Organizations? (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Food Access 1 (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Community Giving (Clip)

Chapter 1 - Rise of the Grocery Giants, A&P — The First of the Giants (Clip)

Chapter 1 - Rise of the Grocery Giants, Regulating the Rise of Big Business (Clip)

Chapter 2 - Retailer Market Power, Grocery Consolidation Today (Clip)

Chapter 2 - Retailer Market Power, Reaganomics (Clip)

Chapter 3 - Food Prices and the People Who Grow Our Food, Farmers are in Crisis (Clip)

Chapter 3 - Food Prices and the People Who Grow Our Food, Food Dollars Through Bottlenecks (Clip)

Chapter 3 - Food Prices and the People Who Grow Our Food, Mergers Decrease Prices for Farmers (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Walmart's Muscle (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Standards as Buyer Leverage (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Delayed Payments to Suppliers (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Slotting Fees 2 (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Private Labels (Clip)

Chapter 4 - Grocery Stores — the Food System’s Control Center, Eaters at the Controls (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, What is a Co-op? (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, Types of Co-ops (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, Businesses in the 'Public Interest' (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, Early Co-ops in Canada (Clip)

Chapter 5 - Enter the Co-op, Early Black-Led Co-ops (Clip)

Chapter 6 - The Food Co-op Waves, Food Co-op Pride in the 1970s/80s (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, There’s Nothing Cookie-Cutter About Food Co-ops (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Types of Products (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Kitchen Skills Training (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Food Access 2 (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Diversity (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, On Prices (Clip)

Chapter 7 - Consumer Food Co-ops Today, Unleashing Potential (Clip)

Chapter 8 - Co-ops as Food Desert Remediation, Low-Income Neighborhoods (Clip)

Chapter 9 - Food Co-ops and the Local Economy, By the Numbers (Clip)

Chapter 9 - Food Co-ops and the Local Economy, Defining "Local" (Clip)

Chapter 9 - Food Co-ops and the Local Economy, Recirculating Food Dollars (Clip)

Chapter 9 - Food Co-ops and the Local Economy, Retention and Rearing of Community Leaders (Clip)

Chapter 10 - Local Foodmakers — the People Behind the Products, Small Business Incubators (Clip)

Chapter 10 Local Foodmakers — the People Behind the Products, Where Does Your Food Dollar Go (Clip)

Chapter 11 - Threats to Food Co-ops, The Rise of the Natural Foods Chain (Clip)

Chapter 12 - Growing Food Co-ops, Growing the Movement, The Food Co-op Initiative (Clip)

Chapter 12 - Growing Food Co-ops, Growing the Movement, New Interest Emerges in Food Co-ops (Clip)

Epilogue: Where Do We Go from Here? 1 (Clip)

Chapter 8 - Co-ops as Food Desert Remediation, Examples (Clip)

Chapter 9 - Food Co-ops and the Local Economy, Easier Access to Eaters (Clip)

Chapter 9 - Food Co-ops and the Local Economy, Food Co-ops as Economic Development (Clip)

Chapter 9 - Food Co-ops and the Local Economy, Local Food System Stimulation (Clip)

Chapter 9 - Food Co-ops and the Local Economy, A Different Kind of Profit (Clip)

Chapter 10 - Local Foodmakers — the People Behind the Products, Spontaneous Purchases (Clip)

Chapter 11 - Threats to Food Co-ops, 'Local'washing (Clip)

Chapter 12 - Growing Food Co-ops, Growing the Movement, The Success of New Food Co-ops (Clip)

Chapter 12 - Growing Food Co-ops, Growing the Movement, How Long Does it Take? (Clip)

Chapter 12 - Growing Food Co-ops, Growing the Movement, Words of Wisdom from Pam Mehnert (Clip)

Epilogue: Where Do We Go from Here? 2 (Clip)